I was in a mid-career slump, struggling with motivation and a lack of enthusiasm, when I reached out to Andrea. Andrea worked with me to identify what really motivated and excited me in a job. She helped me develop tools and habits to address those needs and rediscover the ambition that I had lost. Andrea’s insights gave me new perspective and helped me transition to a new phase in my career. Thank you!
~Heath B., Senior Manager
During my transition from my previous job, [Andrea] helped me to remove attachment from the outcome of things... [and] reminded me that everything is temporary and it wouldn't matter a year from now. I was stressed out and sad before we talked, and after our discussion I felt more at peace with things that were happening in my life.
~Annie E., Recruiter
I shared a personal hardship with Andrea. It is one that I have shared with very few people outside of my nuclear family. This issue had been particularly difficult to deal with at the time. I was struggling with it. I shared these feelings with Andrea. As always, she listened; she absorbed. Not only did Andrea validate my feelings, she shared how she and members of her family could completely relate. She asked me poignant questions, provided compassionate feedback, and suggested remedies. Whether she realizes it or not, this was such an important conversation for me. Andrea reminded me of my worth. She reminded me that overcoming these hardships continue to make me stronger. These adversities are mine, and once I own them I can truly move forward.
~ Megan M.
About a year ago, there was an opportunity for me to apply for a new role and I was really struggling to decide what to do because I was 1 year into my current job and I just didn’t feel like I had learned and grown as much as I could in the current job I had. So, I reached out to [Andrea] and we talked through the situation. What was most helpful in our conversation was [her] coaching technique. [She] asked me a lot of good questions about what I like about my current role, what my future career goals were, why I might consider applying for this new opportunity, why I would want to stay in my current job, etc. After I answered the questions, [she] said “I think you have your answer”. Then, [she] summarized what [she] heard me say as well as some of [her] thoughts about the situation. After our conversation, I left feeling very relieved and confident in the decision I was about to make. I chose not to apply for the job and since that time I have experienced a great deal of professional growth in my current role. It really was a good decision and I appreciate [her] help!
~ Angela C., Leadership Development
When I was having difficulty with a relationship, I was confused, frustrated, depressed, searching and Andrea helped me by simply being there and being a sounding board. She listened. She helped me to see things from a different perspective other than my own, which was clouded with emotion and frustration. Her insight forced me to think of the other person's point of view and that impacted my interaction. This, of course, happened over multiple conversations but each time, it allowed me to 'think' more before reacting. It definitely led to less conflict in my communication. I can definitely say [she was] a big reason for the way I chose to handle that time in my life and I'm very grateful that my relationship is what it is today because of her influence. That's something I'll never be able to repay her for.
~ S. M.